Ω: the symbol for a total set of possible outcomes
P: value giving measurement of evidence against the null hypothesis

ΩP investigates rethorical logics of the free market and possible influences within the private sphere by asking the question: Does a family have a market value?

Chosen for their area of expertise, three persons are interviewed on the question:

  • Dr. Ryan Kopaitich, Scientific Assistant in Literary Theory at the English Department of the University of Bern, CH

  • Antsa Randsetanillo, Personal Financial Strategic Planner at Swiss Life, CH.

  • Marc Haas, Author of “Notions, Thèmes et Concepts des cours de Gilles Deleuze à Vincennes” and “L’Histoire de la Philosophie”, published by Eidos Editions, Montreux, CH

Universe P_InstallView_Detail_01.jpg

ΩP, 2016
Four audio loops on headphones, masking tape, various domestic elements
Installation view: Bern University of the Arts, Bern, CH
Photo documentation: Annaïk Lou Pitteloud

Universe P_InstallView_Detail_02.jpg

ΩP, 2016
Four audio loops on headphones, masking tape, various domestic elements
Installation view: Bern University of the Arts, Bern, CH
Photo documentation: Annaïk Lou Pitteloud

Excerpt of audio interview with (in order of appearance) Ryan Kopaitich, Marc Haas, Antsa Randsetanillo.


ΩP - V2, 2016
Two audio loops on headphones, Seven frame excerpts of interviews, size DIN-A4, masking tape, various domestic elements
Installation view: Cabane B, Bern, CH
Photo documentation: Alexandre Gaeng


ΩP - V2, 2016
Two audio loops on headphones, Seven frame excerpts of interviews, size DIN-A4, masking tape, various domestic elements
Installation view: Cabane B, Bern, CH
Photo documentation: Alexandre Gaeng