Ω: the symbol for a total set of possible outcomes
P: value giving measurement of evidence against the null hypothesis
ΩP investigates rethorical logics of the free market and possible influences within the private sphere by asking the question: Does a family have a market value?
Chosen for their area of expertise, three persons are interviewed on the question:
Dr. Ryan Kopaitich, Scientific Assistant in Literary Theory at the English Department of the University of Bern, CH
Antsa Randsetanillo, Personal Financial Strategic Planner at Swiss Life, CH.
Marc Haas, Author of “Notions, Thèmes et Concepts des cours de Gilles Deleuze à Vincennes” and “L’Histoire de la Philosophie”, published by Eidos Editions, Montreux, CH
ΩP, 2016
Four audio loops on headphones, masking tape, various domestic elements
Installation view: Bern University of the Arts, Bern, CH
Photo documentation: Annaïk Lou Pitteloud
ΩP, 2016
Four audio loops on headphones, masking tape, various domestic elements
Installation view: Bern University of the Arts, Bern, CH
Photo documentation: Annaïk Lou Pitteloud
Excerpt of audio interview with (in order of appearance) Ryan Kopaitich, Marc Haas, Antsa Randsetanillo.
ΩP - V2, 2016
Two audio loops on headphones, Seven frame excerpts of interviews, size DIN-A4, masking tape, various domestic elements
Installation view: Cabane B, Bern, CH
Photo documentation: Alexandre Gaeng
ΩP - V2, 2016
Two audio loops on headphones, Seven frame excerpts of interviews, size DIN-A4, masking tape, various domestic elements
Installation view: Cabane B, Bern, CH
Photo documentation: Alexandre Gaeng