Untitled, 2015
National Library of Kosovo (XK)
Performance, six hours duration
Plaster plates, a desk, a chair, two stamps, one receipt booklet, one axe, one roll of sticky tape
Photo documentation: Mario Topic
”A corridor is obstructing the path to the National Library of Kosovo.
The performer takes the role of a bureaucrat: white shirt, office elements, desk, chair.
When someone approaches, she.they.he is asked whether the walls should be repaired or destroyed.
The performer takes note of the taken decision on the receipt book.
The carbon copy of the receipt is given to the person.
She.They.He is asked to take immediate action upon their answer.
She.They.He who believes that the walls should be repaired is given a roll of sticky tape. She.They.He uses the tool, and leaves.
She.They.He who believes that the walls should be destroyed is given an axe. She.They.He uses the tool, and leaves.
(Duration: 5,5 hours)The performer leaves her.their.his desk and the role play is over. She.They.He encompasses the role of the audience, ask themselves whether or not these walls should be repaired or destroyed, and takes action.
(Duration: approx. 30 min)”
Untitled 2, 2015
Kalemegdan Fortress, Beograd (RS)
Plaster plates debris from previous performance in Prishtinë, a desk, light, smoke.
Photo documentation: Mario Topic
The remnant debris of the performance are packed up, brought to Beograd (RS) and piled up against the wall of the Kalemegdan Fortress (Kalemegdan derives from two Turkish words, kale - fortress, and meydan - battlefield).
Untitled 3, 2015
Fraumünster Church, Zürich (CH)
Performance, six hours duration
Plaster debris, plastic bags.
Photo documentation: Mario Topic
The remnant debris are then packed up, brought to Zürich (CH), stacked up and distributed to the audience in plastic bags.